This can vary on a number of factors, but we often see transactions below ₱50,000 received within 1 hour and above ₱50,000 within 1 to 2 banking days.
What are the factors that may affect delivery time?
- For all transactions, regardless of the amount:
- The account number is incorrect
- The bank name is incorrect (for example, some customers might select the incorrect bank name between “BDO” and “BDO Network Bank”)
- Bank maintenance
- Compliance checks
- For remittances worth ₱50,000 and below (typically credited within an hour):
- The receiving bank is offline
- For remittances above ₱50,000 (typically credited within 1-2 banking days):
- The account name is incorrect
- Bank holidays
- For transactions with Metrobank, RCBC, or RCBC Savings as the receiving bank (typically credited within 1 hour, regardless of the amount):